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About our community

Merge: Combine into one/unite. An interface between heaven and earth, it shoulders the responsibility for bridging the two realms, apostolically carries out (and over) the prophetic burden of the Lord. (Joshua 3). It readies the environment for Him to move powerfully in it. Equipping believers for works of service around the globe, it shines them up and sends them out. A central hub, it serves the wider body of Christ to the end that it might be built up and stand strong in the days ahead. It makes Him known among the nations, advances the kingdom in every place. It prepares for a rapidly-changing world and for the church as we've known it to become the One that Jesus meant it. It champions truth, humility, and justice. What it does for one it does for everyone. A Kingdom Community, it gathers ‘round a Father and not a flavor, around the One who is Central to us all. A safe place and digital space in which to Meetup at, The Merge also serves as a regional venue for DFW and beyond.

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Second photo of our community

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